Banner with News Plus

Show News, Announcements and Quick Links in All-In-One hyper-responsive web part.

Large section:

Smaller section:

You might be also interested in Banner with News

Setting up the web part

On the page where you need the web part, add this web part:

Adding a news post or Quick Links
---Adding news posts manually (default)

Use this option when you want to direct users to posts hosted outside of SharePoint (such as press releases).

In web part properties, click either Add/Remove News Slide or Add/Remove Sidebar Posts or Add/Remove Quick Links buttons to manage respective sections:

You can populate news titles and links to pages either in SharePoint or elsewhere

To add the Main News Posts
Enter the data as shown below:

The main post allows you to play a video from YouTube by specifying the video URL like this:

Or if the video is on Stream, add the embed code like this:

To add the Sidebar Posts

---Pulling news posts automatically from the Site Pages library

Only the Sidebar news can be pulled automatically from the Site Pages library.

To enable this, turn on this toggle:

The web part will automatically pull the last 3 news from the Site Pages library on the current site.

Setting welcome message

The welcome message and background are only visible if the web part is in the Full-Width section.
If you’d like to use the currently logged-in username at the top of the banner, use any of these keywords in web part properties:

  • {firstname} to show current user’s first name
  • {lastname} to the last name
  • {fullname} to show the full name

Here is how the {firstname} will look like for the user named “Steven”

Updating banner styles

You can change these style options:

Colors & Styles

You can also change the height of the whole banner to fit more news:

Font Settings

Labels & Language

Video not showing?

Unless your video is from YouTube, you must add the link in iframe format like this:

To get the iframe formatted link from Stream:

  1. Go to your video in Stream
  2. Click Share as shown here and select Embed code:
  3. Now simply click Copy embed code
What image resolution is best for carousel images?

See this guidance on what images are best for the carousel: Why images in carousels look different depending on screen resolution?