Troubleshooting issues with ORIGAMI apps, including error "Something went wrong"

Are any of the ORIGAMI apps crashing or you see the following error in place of the app?

Something went wrong

If the problem persists, contact the site administrator and give them the information in Technical Details.

STEP 1: Follow these steps to help troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Determine what permissions does this user have on the site (Read, Contribute, Full Control, or Admin)
  2. What Office 365 licence type does this user have in your Office 365 Tenant (example: Microsoft E3, Business Essentials etc)?
  3. Does this error happen for at least one other user with the same permissions and the same licence type on the same site?
  4. Do any other ORIGAMI apps show this error to the user? Or does this happen for only one specific app?
  5. Does the user open your SharePoint site on their home computer? If so, do they have your site added to the Trusted Sites list?
  6. Try resetting the browser cache by pressing CTRL+F5 on the page and reloading that page
  7. Does the page load unusually “slow”? Or does it load as usual?
  8. When was the first time this issue was seen?
  9. (Advanced) Edit the page where the problem app shows up, remove the problem app, and re-add the same app to the page. Does the error still show?

STEP 2: If the steps above didn’t help to resolve this issue:

  1. (Advanced) Ensure you are running the latest ORIGAMI release (unless your upgrades are managed by ORIGAMI).
  2. Take a full-window screenshot of the error (including browser tabs + URL)
  3. Click the [TECHNICAL DETAILS] link in the error and copy additional technical details
  4. Send results from STEP 1 and STEP 2 to the ORIGAMI helpdesk by clicking the link above this page called: