Origami Installation wizard Error Codes

Which of the following errors are you seeing?

Access Denied

Are you getting this error?

Try the following:

  1. Ensure your logged in with Microsoft 365 Admin account (try using incognito/private window to ensure your browser doesn’t use credentials with lesser access).
  2. Check to see that your admin account has upload rights to SharePoint App Catalog (sometimes even global admins don’t have this access by default).
    Here is how to check:
    2.1 Log into your SharePoint Admin Center and follow this sequence

    Checking for App Catalog Upload access - Watch Video

2.2 You know your account has correct access if you see the Upload button as shown in the video.
If you don’t see that button, follow step 3.

  1. Give your account access to SharePoint App Catalog as shown below

    Giving rights to upload to your app catalog - Watch Video

You can even double check step 2.1 above and you should see the Upload button this time.
Now, you can re-run Origami Installation wizard again.

(404) Not Found

Are you getting this error?

Try the following:

  1. Get the path to your SharePoint App Catalog using these steps:

  1. Go back to your Origami Installation wizard and ensure you match the App Catalog URL exactly as you see it in Admin Center:

You know you got the URL correctly if you click the validation link in your Origami Installation wizard and the App Catalog site opens.

You can now try installing Origami again.

Solution already active on another tenant

Are you getting this error?

ORIGAMI is licensed for a single Microsoft 365 tenant. Once you install ORIGAMI on your tenant it can no longer be used on other tenants. Contact your account manager if you need assistance.

The term 'Connect-PnPOnline' is not recognized

Are you getting this error?

This is likely a network error and if you wait for 5 minutes and try running the install again, the issue should be resolved.

Failed to fetch

Are you getting this error?

Please wait for 5 minutes and refresh the Installation Wizard URL, ORIGAMI solutions should be shown as installed.

You can't use a OneColumnFullWidth section in this site template (GROUP)

Are you getting this error?

In step 3, please use Communications Site URL and not a Team Site. You can use ORIGAMI on Team Sites, it’s just that sample pages are built for Comms sites only.