How does ORIGAMI prioritize issues/ feature requests

To be transparent about how we prioritize your requests and get you what you need, here is our decision process for:

  • Issues/bugs
  • New feature requests

1. Functionality Issues/ bugs: :beetle:
We know that functional issues are important to be fixed as soon as possible, here is the order in which we get the fix to you:

1.1 ORIGAMI Web Part is not loading and there is no manual workaround to solve it
1.2 ORIGAMI Web Part is loading but parts of the functionality are not working

Expected timeline:
1 = :exclamation:Urgent, we will work with you to get you the fix within a few days to a week depending on the severity of the issue. Customers in Priority plan receive fixes to all issues within 24-48 hours. Some issues might have a dependency on Microsoft and may take longer to fix.

2 = :warning: Normal Priority, we will give you the best possible workaround and will work on a fix that may take up to 2 weeks.

2. Feature Requests/ Enhancements :heavy_plus_sign:
We welcome new ideas, you can make a product suggestion here: Enhancement Requests - Origami

Expected timeline:
Most enhancements are implemented unless they disrupt other customers usage.
Features requested (and voted up :+1: ) by multiple customers get a higher priority rank.