When you report an issue with ORIGAMI component, our resolution is based on the criteria below.
Is ORIGAMI component not loading and is there no way to work around it
Example: component crashes on load, or web part loads but error message is shown
We will work with you to get you the fix within a few days to a week depending on the severity of the issue. Customers in Priority plan receive fixes within 24-48 hours. Some issues might have a dependency on Microsoft and may take longer to fix. -
Is ORIGAMI component is loading but parts of the functionality are not working as documented
Example: Toggle doesn’t work as documented, or picture doesn’t upload
We will give you the best possible workaround and will work on a fix that may take up to 2 weeks -
Is ORIGAMI component working but not ideally under some conditions (not specifically mentioned in documentation)
We will give you the best possible workaround and ask to post your request as enhancement here: https://community.origamiconnect.com/c/enhancement-requests/11
Features requested (and voted up ) by multiple customers get a higher priority rank.
Above process and timelines are subject to change depending on request volume though we will do our best.