Process and Timeline (without targeting)

Process and Timeline web part helps you show a sequence of steps for: onboarding, company timeline, project progress and more.

An example of how the app is used to show the onboarding steps:

Setting up the web part

The web part looks best when added into the full-width section in SharePoint but can live in any section.
On the page where you’d like to see the apps, look for this web part:

Adding/Updating content

To update the steps showing in the web part, simply go to web part properties and click the Add/Remove Steps button:

In here you can add new steps or update existing steps, their icon, link (if needed) and even color of each step.
Here is how our Onboarding Process list looks like:

Here is where you can get short codes for more icons: Search Icons & Find the Perfect Design | Font Awesome

Updating colors

You can change the color used by each of the sequence steps. Simply enter the color HEX in the [Color] field for the item.

If you’d like to change the color of the text for each step (default is black), fill in the desired text color in web part properties:

Change size

If you’d like to resize the web part to fit into a smaller section and not wrap the timeline graphic to the next line, you can use the Size web part property to scale the whole graphic like this: