Anniversaries, Milestones and Birthdays web part

Use the Anniversaries web part to celebrate employees’ major milestones and anniversaries.

The web part will show a list of people whose anniversary is due each month. You can also scroll and see upcoming and past anniversaries.

Untitled Project

To use this web part add it to one of your narrow SharePoint sections:


Configuring anniversaries

When you first add the Anniversaries to the page you will need to go to web part properties and click Create Anniversaries

The button will change to Manage Anniversaries.

Click the Manage Anniversaries button which will open Anniversaries list.

Select the New Button to enter each anniversary one by one

Or you can import from the Excel sheet by copying names and data in the grid view format like this:

Here is what each field means:

  • Title: This field is mandatory by SharePoint but is not used by the web part - so you can enter the employee name in it.
  • Person: This is the AD username for each employee whose anniversaries you want to track
  • Anniversary Type: is a Choice field with “Birthday” and “Work Anniversary”. You can add your own choices by going to the list settings.
  • Date: Is the initial date of event (for example hire date or birth date). The web part will list employees each year and month when their anniversary is due.

Save your list entries and the web part will pick them up on the next page load.

Showing multiple anniversary feeds

You may want to show “work anniversaries” in a different feed from, say “birthdays”.
To do that:

  • Add a second “Anniversaries” web part on to the page.
  • In the web part properties, toggle “Change Anniversaries List” to on.
  • Enter the name of the list where a separate feed of anniversaries will come from as shown below
  • Click Create Anniversaries button and enter items just as shown in the “Configuring anniversaries” instructions
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