Site Directory app

Site Directory will automatically show the site the users have access to (with the exception of personal sites/OneDrive) which have been assigned a classification category.


NOTE: The user needs to be licensed as an Office 365 user for them to be able to see the list of sites. Otherwise, they will see a constant loading indicator like this:


Adding a new site to site directory
  1. Navigate to the home page of your intranet.
  2. At the top of the navigation bar (in the top right-hand corner), click [+ Create site]
  3. Choose the [Team site] option in the panel
  4. Specify the Title of the site, and optionally a description

  1. Click [Next] and provide owners and members who will have access to the site


  1. Click [Finish].

  2. Optionally: follow the steps described below to show this site in the directory [Enabling an existing Team site to show in Site Directory]

Enable corporate branding on a new or existing Team site
  1. Navigate to the site
  2. Click [Gear] → [Add an app]
  3. Pick [sp-chrome-client-side solution] from the list
    NOTE: it’ll take a few seconds for the app to add


Enabling an existing Team site to show in Site Directory
  1. Navigate to the site URL you’d like to be shown in the directory
  2. Create a list called “Config” (here are the quick steps on how to create a new list)
  3. Add a new item to the list with the following values:
    a. Title: SiteCat=Project

Above, the value “Project” will show up in the directory as a tag and all of the sites which have this tag will be pulled into that category. If there is more than one category for a given site, those need to be separated by a comma without spaces.


Here is an example of how the site directory will display sites:


By default, the directory will show [All] sites the user has access to. If you’d like to enable the directory to show Favorites first, you can enable this option from the Directory App Properties.


Known Limitations
  • Site directory will display up to 500 sites in search results, as that is the limit of how many items can be retrieved from Microsoft API

Anything unclear or doesn’t work?
Post your question or comment here