Copy SharePoint Pages Across Sites

SharePoint out-of-the-box only let’s you copy pages within the same site but what if you designed a beautiful page on one site and now want to use it on another site?

You can with ORIGAMI Page Copy Tool!

To use the Page Copy Tool:

  1. Log into ORIGAMI installation wizard you used to install ORIGAMI.
  2. Click Page Copy Tool
  3. Provide the Full URL of the page you want to copy
  4. Provide the Full URL of the destination site
  5. Click Copy

This might take a minute while the tool copies your page and all the web parts on it.

  • You must be signed in as Admin to copy the page, unfortunately this is limitation of the backend framework used by this tool. We’re working on removing this limit in the future.

  • Copying to the root site is not supported by the backend framework we’re using.

  • If your page has versions, only the last version of the page will be copied, which is probably what you need since this tool is mainly designed to copy designs.